What is something that you regularly do that you REALLY wish you didn't?
When it comes to issues of health, the big thing for me is late night snacking. I'm talking about that just after 10:30pm when my brain suddenly starts reminding me about how delicious ice cream is, or that there is a bag of Thai-Sweet Chilli chips calling out to me from our larder.
It's the time when I'm reminded that when I was a teenager, my dad when regularly tell me to just go to sleep because whenever I was awake, I was eating.
I know this is the worst time to eat. It leads to discomfort while sleeping and seriously adds on bad kilograms. I KNOW that when I eat like this, the next morning I'm going to have stomach cramps...and yet, there I am, every night, hunting through the kitchen cupboards.
(And yes, this gets worse when I'm stressed, or sad, or emotional in any way)
So when the good people at Eat Well, Live Well, asked me to try break a habit in 28 days, it was a no brainer that this was the one I'd take on.
The idea is that it takes 21 days to break a bad habit, and another 7 to replace it with a good one. The first week went really well - I tried to avoid any snacky feelings by just getting to bed before they tend to arrive, which had the added benefit of leaving me more refreshed in the morning.
But then...the weekend hit, and it all kinda went down the drain for two evenings.
Since then though, I've been doing much better and keeping on that band wagon!
Do yourself a favour and go check out the Eat Well Live Well website to get more info about how you can make better, healthier, life decisions!